Lawn Sign Mania!

 Well I'll say this much: Nothing says "I am a mature politically-active adult" like stealing a lawn sign.

DIH has, in her humble opinion, been rather generous this elections season.  Did I upset the neighbors with a  lawn sign? No.  Did I flip off anyone with an opposing bumper sticker when they cut me off in traffic?  Certainly not, at least not for their bumper sticker. 

Instead I got creative.  I festooned both my back deck and my front lawn with red, white and blue blinking lights. It looks quite lovely at night.  Passersby, I am sure, nodded approvingly. America!

Then a couple of days ago, I decided to join the mainstream. I put out a lawn sign. A tiny one.  ONe you could barely see from the road. 

I live in a nice, civilized Midwestern suburb, I thought. Surely my right to free speech will be respected here. 

Alas, I was wrong. My lawns sign lasted less than 24 hours. It was gone the next morning.

And I have this to say to the lawn sign thief:  Don't blame me if you didn't read the fine print.

I once heard that my Irish family might have some gypsy blood in its veins somewhere. I decided now was the time to call on those possible genetics.

Before I put out my sign,  I wrote along the bottom, "Steal this sign and a curse will befall you."

So the joke's on you, sign thief.  Don't say I didn't warn you.

By the way- have your gums started bleeding yet?


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