Dinner and Debate

 Tonight is the final debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. And as always, the most important question as we approach the evening is: What's for dinner?

We're not looking for anything fussy, mind.  We're not asking for crepes or boeuf bourgignon or any of those other not-American-and-even-worse--French dishes. We want something tasty so at least we can keep interested in something, and easy on the tummy, so nobody feels like he has to-- well, you know.

So DIH is reviewing the contents of her freezer and trying to come up with a menu. So far she has eliminated pork and cider stew (jokes too obvious), Chinese dumplings (ditto) and Ukranian borscht (double ditto).

This doesn't leave us with a lot of choices. The freezer ain't that big. Which means I may have to head out to the Cub with a shopping list.

So, possibilities:

Pass-The-Popcorn Shrimp

Softball Meatballs

You Ain't Black Bean Soup 

As-If-We-Haven't-Suffered-Enough Sufferin' Succotash

2020 Tripe

Chicken Cacciatore, No Translation Allowed

Oh, forget cooking.  Grab a bag of chips and a six-pack and hope for an early night. You're missing "Haunted Gingerbread Showdown" for this, after all. Let's hope it will be worth it.



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