Good Thing I Was Wearing A Mask

 The spouse and I usually attend the Sunday evening mass at our parish. We tool into parking at at about 5:20 and, if the weather is nice, we park on the outskirt of the lot. Often we're the only car in our row.

Then we head inside for mass.  When it's over, we get back into the car and head for an Irish pub for dinner.  It's a nice routine.

And it nearly all came crashing down on us on a recent Sunday.

Ok, so mass is over. Nobody we know is there, so there's no one to hang out with in the vestibule. Out to the parking lot.

Before I go on-- has anyone else noticed how all cars look exactly alike these days?

You know what I mean. They're all some kind of metallic dark grey, they all have basically the same shape, and they're all pretty much the same size.

So I really don't think I can be blamed for basically trying to steal a very nice BMW.

I mean, it looked like my car!  And the door was open!  And when I pressed by key fob it even beeped!

It was only when I realized the locks weren't where I left them that I realized I was ensconced behind the wheel of some stranger's  car.

Very comfortably ensconced, by the way. As you can probably imagine.

The spouse climbed inbn, looked at the dash and said "I don't think this is your car."

"I think you're right," I said. "Did we take your car to church by mistake?"

"Sadly," he replied, "this isn't my car either. It's a BMW. A very nice one."

"Oh." I touched the soft leather seat. "I guess we should get out, then.  Before the owner turns up."

"I guess."

Luckily we were in our own vehicle and tearing at breakneck speed out of the parking lot before the owner turned up. I could just imagine what  our fellow parishioners would think if they saw us being "detained' and possibly cuffed in the parking lot.

Note to self: find out if church parking lot has security cameras.

Note to self 2: never remove mask near church again.


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