News From the World of Fashion

   "Luxury brand Gucci is selling strategically stained denim overalls for a whopping $1,400.

   "This denim overall is crafted from organic cotton and specifically treated for a stained-like, distressed effect,” reads the description of the dirty dungarees, which debuted on the runway as part of a grunge-inspired collection back in January and are now available in stores and online."

-New York Post, September 21, 2020 


This year's Gucci collection is inspiring designers all over the country. Exciting new items are popping up in collections all over the fashion world.

"I call it my 'Coffee Shop' collection," says Lulu Lamont of Lamontations Designs. "We all know that people with demanding careers- like mine, for example-  really long to live the life of the unemployed and unpublished writers who keep so many of our coffee shops in business. So I've come up with a look that will let them feel like they are living that dream. See this shirt?  Looks like a five-year-old LL Bean number, right? I must say it took my textile experts ages to give this fabric exactly the right over-laundered patina.   And at only four hundred dollars, it's a small price to pay for looking like someone who should really be asking the barista for a job."

"I'm a CFO, but there are times when I wish I could pass for a stay-at-home mom," says Parker Champion of  Chic by Champion, Inc.  "So I've designed a collection that captures that look.  Here, for example, is a silk dress blouse with a 'missing' button at the bottom and a streak of faux baby spittle near the shoulder. I call it  'The Evening Is Ruined.' The price for this exclusive design is $895. I have friends who are laying in a supply of these in every color available. Including a truly eye-popping 'Used-to-be-white' shade. It's copyrighted.  I had a team of seven third-graders assisting me on it."

"My fall collection was created for women with discerning tastes and even more discerning senses of smell," says Tay Gilbert of Tay Couture. "I look at my clients and I see women who long to be liberated from their Park Avenue lifestyles, at least for a few hours once in a while.  So I've created clothes that will give them the full experience of life beyond the Upper East Side. Here's a dress from my Real Country Life line. Notice how it gives off a subtle whiff of stale coffee? I call this dress 'The Church Basement.' And over here we have an ensemble with a more rugged outdoorsy look. Here, I'll wave it for a second- do you smell that? My designers had to muck out God knows how many stables to get it just right."

All these items are available online. So far no major department stores have consented to carry them.

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