About Last Night....

 Ah, the debates. A ritual of every fourth fall. As reliable as the leaves falling, the clocks turning back and pollen making you miserable for weeks .

There was an added frisson of excitement this year, what with one party hinting that they might not debate at all. What? And spoil all the fun? How else would we ever see Chris Wallace interrupting the President 35, count 'em 35 times? (Number of times he interrupted Biden:  0.)

Be honest. Would you have missed the former VP shouting "WILL YOU SHUT UP!" at Trump the way he probably should have at his son Hunter a few more times?  Not me. I live for this kind of oratory.

And given the way Trump came onstage loaded for bear, I have to wonder what the Biden staff did or said to tick him  off right before the debate. Maybe it was that whole "Biden will not take a drug test" thing. This was a pity as I would love to know what gave the Veep that classy enlarged-pupil look.  DUUUDE!

After about ten minutes of the festivities DIH and the spouse gave up on the debate debacle. This also happens every four years. 

There's a lot to be said for tradition.


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