
We have been waveless now for weeks, and it's not a good place to be.

I will never forget the trauma of that last wave. There I was, minding my own business. waiting for the timer to tell me the spaghetti sauce was thawed, when WHOOOSH!! a comet shot out of the microwave. Then all was blackness. Well, actually just the inside of the microwave was blackness. But still, I was impressed.

Things went downhill fast. Can't reheat the teapot. Or the coffee. Or the curry from the Thai takeout place. I'm telling you, we're roughing it here.

Sure, we've learned a lot. Did you know you can thaw frozen marinara sauce on the stove top? It's not fun, but it's doable. You can "cook" oatmeal, too. I beleive the expression is "with a flame."

Unfortunately we have also learned that the four- FOUR- microwaves we've brought home since the comet dont' fit in our microwave place. This is inspite of careful measuring. Something about the bulk of the plug.

This week we're going to take one more stab at it. If the next one doesn't work we may have to move. Because I will be damned if I'm going to remodel the kitchen.

Because face it, how many times have we all heard that sorry remodeller's tale: "Well, it all started when the microwave broke....


  1. I'm remodeling my kitchen because the ceiling fell in.

    Is that close?



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