Ghislaine Maxwell, RIP

Well, Ghislaine, it was fun while it lasted.

The luxury hotels. The private jets. The private island. The thousands of fans puzzling over how the hell to pronounce your name.

And the royals! We can't forget the royals.  I mean, we Americans usually do, of course. But I have to ask: How does it feel to be one of the few people who actually know what size bathrobe Prince Andrew wears? I mean, without guessing between L and XL (and XXL)?

So now you get to join the exclusive ranks of Really Rich People Who Went To Jail For Doing Really Stupid Things. Bernie Madoff, Martha Stewart-- oh wait. Martha's out now. Maybe she can give you some pointers on how to survive in the Big House (I think she took up crochet, didn't she?).

Assuming, of course, you live that long.

(I should call my bookie, find out what the odds are on that.)

But if I may be so bold, Ghislaine, you are a cut above the aforementioned convicted felons. You didn't just steal money. You stole lives. Hell, you stole souls. You stole youth and innocence and the belief that people like Prince Andrew might actually be decent human beings under all the pomp and b.s. I know, I know, it's naive. But like I said, you stole innocence, so you probably think your victims should be thanking you for showing them what the score really is in this world.

Good luck over the next few weeks, Ghislaine. You're going to need it. Don't let anyone talk you into trying on any new scarves, if you know what I mean.

P.S. If I were you I'd have someone check the security cameras. in the Tombs. Make sure they're working.


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