
"California, this is your governor speaking.  NO FIREWORKS THIS YEAR ON JULY 4TH.  Do you hear me? Absolutely NO FIREWORKS!

Los Angeles, July 4, 2020:

Here in my own little humble town in the Midwest, I can honestly say I never saw so many fireworks from my deck as I did this year. We, too, had had or formal displays severely limited.

So what lessons can we glean from all this?

1. Saying "No fireworks" is like saying "No cookouts." Nobody is going to listen to you.
2. Saying "No fireworkes" is like saying "No picnics." No on e is going to listen to you.

And finally,

3. Saying "No fireworks is like saying "You are forbidden to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of this great and free nation."

And once again, no one is going to listen to you. So suck it, Gavin Newsome, and the horse you rode in on. 'Murica, dude.


  1. Did you see the Bee article about "set off fireworks inside this year"? *chuckles*


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