
 "A humpback whale was caught on video cavorting Monday in the Hudson River near Midtown Manhattan. The massive mammal was spotted around 4:15 p.m. around Pier 84 near the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, according to a clip posted to Twitter." NY Post, December 8.

 Anyone know what a humpback whale in the Hudson River is supposed to be a sign of? Not the Apocalypse, right? That's four horsemen. And not impending death, either- that's crows. Also owls.

So what could Mother Nature possibly be trying to tell us with this obviously confused mega-mammal? I'm really stumped by this one. I mean, sure, whales have been known to take a wrong turn at Montauk before. There was one in New York Harbor a few years ago. Checking out the skyline, no doubt. Taking in the Big Apple. Maybe shoe shopping.

I wonder how far up the river the whale got? I have a sister in Croton, I'm sure she'd like the kids to see it.

Well whatever she was doing I hope she got out of there all right. New York is a lot more dangerous now than it was when Giuliani was mayor. I'm not sure even a whale is safe.


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