Joe Spills on the Ankle

"President-elect Joe Biden on Thursday revealed that he broke his foot tripping on a rug after a shower as he chased one of his dogs and grabbed its tail.

Biden’s campaign previously explained the hairline fracture by saying Biden fell while playing with the dog, but did not mention the shower or tugging the animal’s tail.

'What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows — dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me. And for me to grab the ball,” Biden told CNN journalist Jake Tapper. “And I grabbed the ball like this and he ran. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened.' (NY Post, 12-3-20)


Hey everyone. Major again. Oh man.  I think I may be done with the "good dog" gig for good.

OK, so I told you the cover story about how Joe, my "master" (that's a good one, btw), broke his foot the other day. Did I mention naked old guy getting out of the shower? No. Did I say anything about a throw rug? No. And I sure as hell didn't rat the man out for pulling my tail.

And believe me, keeping that last bit a secret was tough. There is no greater indignity in the Canine World than having one's tail pulled. Oh, sure, maybe you'll let a baby do it, or a toddler. But a grown man?  Them's bitin' words, pardner.

And I am not kidding about biting. A lesser dog than myself would have sank his teeth right into the man's forearm. Or, since it was fully exposed, his thigh. I suppose I'll regret missing my chance to do that 'til my dying day.

I wonder if PETA will investigate. I guess the odds are long on that one.

I tell you, it's getting harder and harder to stay with this guy. I don't see how anyone else does it.




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