Wondering Which Is Worse

 So which would you rather do: read the news or deep-clean the house?

I admit, it could be a touch call. One demands you plow through mounds of garbage trying not to choke on the mold, the other makes you clean out the refrigerator. Ba-dum-bum.

DIH is doing her best to keep up with current events, but honestly, it just gets harder ever day. I just read an article about a young illegal immigrant who graduated from Harvard who is now gainfully employed writing books that trash America and the evil capitalists who paid her tuition. Luckily I hadn't had breakfast yet.

So I'm thinking, maybe I'll give up reading the news for Advent. The season of waiting and preparing for the birth of the Lord starts this Sunday, and in my opinion, not a minute too soon. I have my pink and purple candles all ready, and I've even started putting up a few Christmas decorations. If I give up following the news I have a shot of four weeks of peaceful contemplation.

So that's my current plan. Ditch the updates and Zen out. 

I can't wait to light that first purple candle.

In the meantime I am cleaning the house. So far I've done the refrigerator and the pantry. Might hit up a few closets next. Or even the oven.

Anything to avoid the news.


  1. ".... a young illegal immigrant who graduated from Harvard who is now gainfully employed writing books that trash America and the evil capitalists who paid her tuition. "

    Makes my blood boil.


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