A Day To Celebrate

 Today is International Beer Day, and Desperate for one plans to do her part to honor the feast.

But first, an important question:  bottle, or can? (Assuming, of course, that no draft beer is available in which case the question is moot.)

I admit that for years I was a bottle snob.  I thought something about the clean, smooth glass made for a better beer experience. For a while I even cared about the shape of the bottle- I preferred my Buds in long-necks. I took one look at Red Stripe in those stumpy little jug-like things and thought, No way.

Then of course I tasted a Red Stripe, and thought, No way in hell.

But recently I've become a convert to cans.

My reasons for this are several. Cans are a lot lighter than bottles, so hauling a case of  aluminum-clad Heinies out of the trunk is a lot easier on the back. Cans are easier to dispose of. Cans are fun to crush.

But the biggest reason is that "cracking open a beer" is a far more life-changing experience that popping off a cap. You pop off a bottle cap, big deal. Plop, the beers open.  Hooray.

But cracking open a can? That's a special moment. That singularly crisp sound! That  little bit of bubbles flowing over your thumb!  When you crack open a can you know you've moved into a different world. A world that says, Screw being productive, I'm gonna have another brew.

But on to today's festivities.  Here are several suggestions for my fellow beer aficionados on this special day.

1.  There is no shame in light beer. Go ahead and guzzle a few. It may taste like water but it's still party approved. And it's fizzy, which counts for a lot.

2. Just as there is no shame in light beer, there is no cause for embarrassment in preferring craft brews. Sure, they might bring to mind images of guys with man-buns and trendy eyeglasses in lumberjack shirts.  Bit who cares? You don't have to hang around with them once you've left the store.  Go home and pour yourself a cold one, and forget you ever saw those Akira Kurosawa wannabe's.

3. Day-drinking is not just for homeschooling moms. All are invited.

Happy International Beer Day, everyone. Get out there and support the suds!


  1. There are two vital considerations when choosing a beer:
    Will you enjoy it?
    Is it available?

    I'll tease folks if they're being silly about beer, but only if I'd tease them about anything else. :D


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