You Scream, I Scream

I've watched at least my share of "Your Dream Kitchen" type videos. So I speak with some youtube-esque authority when I say that Speaker Nancy Pelosi's two brushed stainless steel fridges must have put her back at least 50 grand.

Now, I'll be honest here: those fridges look pretty darn good.  But I don't think I would spend that much on a refrigerator system, ever. Unless I could drive the thing.  And even then it would be impossible to park, so forget it.

It's not just the refrigerators that seem to be getting everyone's goat lately.  People have also noticed that freezer is stuffed with Nancy's favorite and very expensive designer ice cream, Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams. According to Nancy the stuff is 12 bucks a pint.  That's almost 50 bucks a gallon.

The View's Whoopi Goldberg claims that in stuffing her freezer with Joni's, Nancy is simply supporting "A small business."  I checked, and apparently Jeni's takes in 25 million a year in orders. If that's what small businesses are worth these days, sign me up!

DIH is a bit of an ice cream snob, and I would have no objection to trying Jeni's, if it ever goes on sale for a reasonable price. And if the ice cream parlors are ever allowed to open again.

Unless Speaker Pelosi would like to send me some. She has the use of a governent private jet, right?  Nancy, I'll be waiting at the door.


  1. Reminds me of the Facebook meme where there's a bunch of panels of generic super-star types in mansions, on fancy boats, in their fancy counters-cost-more-than-my-house type kitchen and such, with "we're all in this together!"
    Last panel is a standard issue poor college kid, with a few pizza slices scattered in the background, obviously kneeling next to the laptop that's playing the commercial, using a blanket as a hood:
    "Yeah. All in this, together."


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