Stop Me Before I Cook Again

Is anyone else up to their ears in leftovers?

Now, I know we're all trying to make good use of our time in covid jail. But after all this time I suspect more than a few of us have gotten real. 

We've stopped de-cluttering, because all the donation places are closed.

We've stopped reorganizing our closets, because we're still in the dreaded 30-degrees today, 70-degrees tomorrow season, which means we still need to keep our closets overstuffed with options.

But we are probably still cooking.

DIH does not love to cook.Many's the night she has defrosted a pizza out of sheer revultion at the thought of boiling water. 

But when I am feeling virtuous, I do a fair amount of advance cooking. Vats of chili, pots of stew, gallons of soup, all divided into dinner-size portions, vacuum-wrapped and stored in the freezer. For those nights when yet another frozen pizza just won't cut it.

So when I gave up on the reorganizing projects, I started cooking. Chicken stew with white wine.  Beef stew with Guinness.  Pork stew with hard cider.  Chicken abruzzese.  Red sauce. Etc.

When the colleges closed and my kid came home for the duration she started cooking too.  She differs from her mom, in that she actually likes to cook. She's always trying something new. Chicken tikka masala. Aloo gobi.  Etc.

(Actually those were my idea. Our Indian takeout place is closed and I was jonesing for some aloo gobi. Luckily the kid was willing to oblige.)

All with the result that the freezer is bursting and I could not cram another square inch of Tupperware into it if I tried.

This morning I asked the kid's bff if she wanted to take any of the Indian food home. "No thanks, Mrs. V.  We're drowning in leftovers as it it."  This from a kid with six siblings and a dog.

So if I stop cooking, what's next?

Clearing out the file cabinet (ohgodnopleaseno)? Taking online how-to-use-my-iPhone classes? Finally using the Babbel program I paid for and learn a few languages?

These are the times that try men's souls. people. We've all got to hang in there, until the donation centers open again. 

Bon courage.


  1. Been putting my donations in garbage bags that I've put egg crates at the bottom of, so I won't confuse them with the trash. (We buy eggs by the five dozen, and they're nice boxes, so I have a bunch of them!)

    Only don't have leftovers because I've been dong a LOT of "we need to eat the stuff we have" meals.

    Also done a bunch of home improvement stuff...but I'm not sure what your state is allowing. Iowa has a lot of stuff closed, but other than that we're OK.


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