The Call of the Closets

It's a good thing I never really got into the whole Marie Kondo craze.  If I didn't have closets full of junk I don't know what I would do with myself these days.

I totally reorganized the basement pantry shelves.  By which I mean, I transformed it from a jungle of cans and boxes into a place where I can actually find things now.  That jar of sliced mangoes in syrup I bought at Costco three years ago?  Front and center, baby.  In case I ever need it.

Linen closet?  Also known as the Graveyard of Dead Laptops?  It's pretty navigable now.  Unless you're looking for things like towels. I have no idea where my towels have gone.

Master bedroom closet?  Uh-- well.  Let's just say the situation has improved there.

The one project I'm really dreading is the file cabinet.  I hate organizing bits of paper.  Drives me nuts, for some reason.  I know there' stuff in there that should have been tossed years ago, at least. 

While I hate organizing, I do love throwing things out.

I have long thought that I should write a book on housekeeping called "The Joy Of Throwing Things Out." I'm pretty sure it would strike a chord with anyone who is charged with keeping a household running.

Think of how good you feel as the trash bags start adding up.  You can even reach a kind of aesthetic high and convince yourself  that all those medieval saints like Francis of Assisi were right: you really are better off with no possessions!

Sadly, though, that sublime feeling of liberation from material things is a signal you should tap the breaks on your cleanup before you throw away something important, like you kid's first lost tooth or the deed to your house.

Some things are worth hanging onto.


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