First Shutdown Sunday

Well, here it is, the first Sunday when the churches, at least in my diocese, are closed for business.


No muttering "why can't I ever find a damn parking space" under my breath.

No feeling bad about cursing right before Mass.

No competition for the most isolated seat in the church-- apparently I'm not the only one who hates the hand-holding at the Our Father.

No angry glares from the competitors for said isolated seat (tough luck, guys, step up your game next week)

No scanning the crowd to see if your kid showed up for the same Mass as promised.

No "I am the world's worst Catholic mom" if you don't see said kid.

No feeling  like a jerk when it turns out she was there all along, right behind you (ha ha, you're a riot, kid).


No donuts.

No seeing friends.

No Eucharist.

And there it is, there's the whole ball game.  Yes yes, I am well aware that the Mass is still being offered in private, that we can make spiritual communion, etc.  But it takes a strong soul to rely on that kind of thing, and as you know DIH is not exactly Mrs. Universe when it comes to the life of the soul.

Maybe this will all be over soon, and next week we'll be back to normal, maneuvering for parking spaces and isolated pews.  Until then, I'm going to stick with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, offering "the body and blood, soul and divinity, of [God's] dearly beloved son... in atonement for my sins and those of the whole world."  It's not a perfect substitute but it will have to do for now.


  1. Same here.

    My parents are actually visiting (they live in Washington, but we were closer to a known case than they were when they got here, and they are literally 25 miles from the next house when they're home) and they took the kids to a park (tree type park) so husband and I could listen to Mass at home.

    Funny how being in the crying room with a half-dozen kids is still more "there" than being able to hear and see a beautiful service. Like a real visit vs video chat.


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