Water, Water Everywhere

Back in May my basement flooded.  I mean flooded, as in six inches of water covered the floor, soaked the wall-to-wall carpet, inched up through the drywall.  At first, as is my wont, I gamely tried to rectify the situation myself. ( "Gamely,"  I have since learned, turns out to be a synonym for "like an idiot.")

Then I called a restoration company.  They arrived with their vacuums and their industrial fans and their waterproof galoshes.  It took several days to rip out the carpet, suck up the water and air-dry what was left.  Several very loud days.

It turned out the problem was with my sump pump. "I can't explain it," the technician said. "It just died. 'Course, it's been a heck of a wet spring."

"So I need a new one?"

"Right.  I have two models you can choose from. This one costs $995.  This one is $2995."

"What's the difference?"

"Well, the $2995 one has a battery backup."

"How long does the battery last?"

"About sixteen hours."

"So if I'm out of town for a weekend and my basement floods and the power goew out, by the time I get home the place will be underwater anyway?"


"Well... but... is the more expensive one better in any other way?"

"Well, no, not really."

Call me frugal, but Desperate opted for the cheaper sump pump.  And in all honesty I'm glad I did, because at a party a few days later I told my watery story and was greeted with a chorus of derision.  "I can get you a pump with battery backup for $400,"  a very handy friend scoffed.

So-- ask me what I want for Christmas!


  1. *makes a mental note to never buy a pump from the technician*


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