50 Years Ago Today!

Happy 50th anniversary of the moon landing! 

July 20, 1969. Do you remember?  I do.  The black and white tv going in the living room.  My father going berserk.  "We're on the moon, Susan!  We're on the moon!"

I hate to admit it but I wasn't as thrilled as he was. Looking back I think that was because I felt like I'd been hearing  about the United States going to the moon for most of my life.  I thought it was jsut the next thing, a done deal.  Normal.

It wasn't until I was a grownup that I began  to grasp how completely unlikely, insane, fantastic the moon mission was.  Think about it: there is more computer power in your 20-year-old car than there was on Apollo 11.  Would you have climbed aboard?  I don't think I would have. 

What did a little kid  know about the extraordinary courage of those smiling astronauts?

But I learned.  And I was floored.

God bless America, people.  There is nothing we can't do, as long as we hang onto that spirit.


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