Real Estate Thoughts

My house has been on the market for a couple of months now.  We've all been there, right?  And we all love it, right?

 So let's start a conversation:  What is your favorite part of this experience?

Is it the constant inconvenience of people saying they have to see the house "right now" and then don't show up for days?

Is it the "Customer comments?"  Fave so far:  how dare you people have the nerve to (fill in the blank).

Or is it when the realtor text you about some dire situation that needs your immediate attention, and the "situation" turns out to be a dandelion on the front lawn?

One thing the experience has taught me is no one should ever own furniture.  Over the years I've collected some really cool antique pieces-- a 19th-century Chinese opium bed, an 18th century American tavern table.  Did I go to some fancy antiques dealer and pay top price?  Please.  I got them at estate sales.  You know, you get up at 5 am on Saturday and drive to some unknown address and hope for the best when you get there.  Usually a vast waste of time, but once in a blue moon, you get lucky, and come home lugging something nifty.

Then the day comes when you have to sell your house.  And the realtor takes a look at your living room and announces your furniture is cr*p.  Then he calls in a "stager" who ditches all your hard-won things and fills the house with mass-produced stuff from HomeGoods with the tags still on.

Lesson learned:  do not buy furniture.  You're only going to have to store it anyway.

I'm sure I'll have more advice for you home sellers as time goes by.  Watch this space. You might learn something valuable!


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