Hobble on the Cobbles

Today is Day 4 of our Rome pilgrimage, and already my daughter needs crutches.  Seriously.  Her foot started hurting on Friday and by now all our home remedies have proven ineffective.  Anybody know where I can find a pair of crutches in Rome?

(I am typing this on an ancient Vatican computer.  Any typos, blame Dan Brown.)

Yesterday was an epic day.  We heard Pope Francis make his first Sunday Angelus address.  One thing the press reports have not really made clear:  the guy is funny.  Really, he has a good sense of humor.  Can't wait to hear more from him tomorrow at his installation.  Which I hope to watch from a safe distance as the crowds in St Peters Square are way too vast for me.

(Note to Vatican wordmeisters: maybe you should come up with a better term than "installation."  Makes it sound like the man is a refrigerator.)

Today we are supposed to be going to St Paul Outside the Walls and St Mary Major.  If we can find a pair of crutches.


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