
We've all heard about the new Kindle device from Amazon. That little 10-oz. miracle that means we can carry our entire libraries in our tote bags, with none of the resulting nerve damage.

Well, DIH has decided to secure herself one.

This is not a decision made lightly. I had every intention of asking Santa to bring me a Tom-Tom or other navigational device to stick on my dashboard. DIH has no sense of direction and is perpetually getting lost. (Although I prefer to think of myself as the Highway Heraclitus: for all I know I've never driven the same road twice.)

So, navigational device was at the top of my Christmas list, Until I read about the Kindle. At $399. it costs about as much as a navigator, I think. But if I get the Kindle, at least I'll have something to read while I'm waiting for someone to come and find me, right?

Information about the Kindle can be found at

And I swear, I SWEAR I will never ever ever make anyone cut and paste in the New Year! Resolutin #1! I promise!


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