Will Wonders Never Cease?

"Study Links Drop in Test Scores to a Decline in Time Spent Reading" [NYT, today, headline]

"Americans — particularly young Americans — appear to be reading less for fun, and as that happens, their reading test scores are declining. At the same time, performance in other academic disciplines like math and science is dipping for students whose access to books is limited, and employers are rating workers deficient in basic writing skills."

FInd The Fun Phrase contest:

Well, DIH already found it. It's that "students whose access to books is limited." DIH can smell a demand for more federal funding a mile away. But presumably there are plenty of kids whose "access to books" is not limited who aren't reading, either.

Oops- that could be misconstrued. That could mean the teachers' union is screwing up on the instruction and encouragement front...

Forget I said anything.


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