Say 'No' To Nyquil

HI. I'm Desperate.
[Hi, Desperate!]

Hi, um, I --well, there's no easy way to say it. I took some Nyquil.

Yeah, And it's worse, I - I took it at four o'clock this morning.
[Gasps. Murmurs of 'intervention...']

No, no, I'm okay now. Almost. I'm on my fourth cup of Joe--

[You're just changing your drug of choice,, you know....]

I had to. I needed the antidote. I'm switching to Diet Coke after this one, I promise. At least I won't be adding sugar, right?
[understanding laughter]

Anyway, you all know the story but I guess I should tell it anyway. I just couldnt' breathe. Four in the morning and I was gasping for breath, I can't believe my sinuses got so stuffed so fast. I was fine when I went to bed! But I should have known better, I thought that nice relaxed feeling I had last night was a good thing, but...well, obviously, it just meant trouble was coming.

Finally I took the Nyquil, end of story. Nobody held a gun to my head. I just took it. Then I had to get up at 6 to walk the dog. All I can say is I thank my Higher Power there's no such thing as "Walking under the influence" laws in this state. Yet. I was just lucky I could find my way home. But that might have been the dog.

So now trying to put my life back together. Wish me luck.

Thanks for letting me share.


  1. :)

    found your blog through the whole weblog awards thing. I did not know that these even existed. now that I do, I'm terribly jealous but still very happy that I found your blog. It's funny!

  2. Thanks for the kind words mamacita- DIH


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