
Every so often DIH forces herself to contemplate the unthinkable and consider remodelling her kitchen. The people who previously owned our house had the fatal combination of a) expensive tastes and b) a marked disinclination to tend to things like upkeep.

Hence I have a high-end kitchen that is falling apart. When we moved in there was this tiny German oven in the wall that didnt' work. Estimated replacement cost: 4 G's. As it was, in addition to being tiny, an unusual size, the cabinetry around it was all custom-sized.

[Word of advice: never go with "custom" anything. "Custom" is an attractive word that means "it'll cost an arm and a leg and you will never, EVER find anyone to fix it when it breaks down."]

We are also the proud owners of a Sub-Zero refrigerator /freezer that I figure has another year of life in it, tops. Also surrounded by "custom-fitted" cabinetry.

I figure I'll have to deal with the refrigerator first. So the other day I bought one of those "Kitchen and Bath" magazines, for its article on "Choosing the Right Fridge For Your Budget."

Well. Not only have I been informed and enlightened, I have been inspired. I have found the refrigerator no home should be without.

"Cooks who want to add a TV to their kitchen but can't find the right spot will love this innovative fridge. It's the first refrigerator with a 16-inch high-definition remote-controlled LCD television screen." Price tage: $3,600.

So I looked at this refrigerator and I said to myself, Do I want to sit in my kitchen watching the fridge?

Doesn't everyone?

But here's another question: Would my family appreciate this appliance? Or would I have to listen to endless "We always watch the fridge, how come we never get to watch the dishwasher" arguments?

Lest you think this is all about entertainment let me point out the fridge has many practical uses, too:

" This model also boasts a weather center, calendar, photo album and recipe bank."

I think you can put food in it, too, but I'm not sure. The article doesn't mention food.


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