The Results Are In

DIH extends her heartiest and envious congratulations to Dooce, winner of the Best Diartist title in the 2007 Weblog Awards. I had never seen Dooce's blog before but it's wonderful. Hey Dooce- I hear you're an ex-Mormon. That means this calls for champagne, right?

DIH tied for fifth place, which is not at all bad for her first time out of the gate. Thanks to all who voted for me.

If you go to

you can see all the results, plus links to the other finalists. Good stuff there. Hit the "Return to the 2007 Weblog Award Poll Navigation Page" line to check other results.


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Hey the Weblog page says you can vote until 2:00. Are you a fatalist, come on where's that Under Dog spirit? -Bible Babe

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Just checked...your not tied anymore you'ved pulled ahead. Next time I think you need a campaign manager. This time next year there will probably be a couple available. Bible Babe

  3. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Love your blog, found it through the awards listing.

    You deserved to win and you still may.


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