Star Wars!

Ah, Star Wars.  The movie that made the 4th of May annoying forever.

I don't really mean that.  But how many times can one hear "May the Fourth be with you?" and not want to scream "Ok, give it a rest, pal." It was even in the Wall Street Journal crossword puzzle today. I mean, come on. By the time I do the puzzle I've already heard "May the Fourth" etc. abouf five times.

Not that it's not a terrific movie. It is. But Star Wars Fatigue was setting in while the movie was still in theaters. I had a friend who could quote whole scenes, and he's never even seen the pic. "Wasn't that bar scene great!" etc.

It was almost a party game. How long could you converse about Star Wars before anyone figured out you hadn't seen it yet? A game best played in a bar. With Guinness on tap. And a really good fake ID.

There must be times when we all feel not so great about the state of our lives.  Maybe your acreer is stalled, maybe you are still trying to land an agent or a contract At times like this sthe thought can occur:  gee, George Lucas was only 33 when he made one of hte greatest movies of all time. HOw can I ever compare with a record like that? I'm such a loser...

But fret not, gentle reader. DIH is here to help.

Yes, George Lucas was only 33 when he released Star Wars.

And when he was 42, he made "Howard the Duck."


Remember that one?

So take heart, struggling artist-type friends. You may never make the equivalent of Star Wars, but at least you'll never make "Howard the Duck."


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