OOOOH, Obama!

I think I'm going to faint!

Breitbart TV reports that there has been a string of fainting incidents nt Barack "Next-President-of-the United-States"'s campaign rallies. Apparently young ladies can't help passing out cold when the Rackmeister starts doing his thang.

This is the first good thing DIH has even heard about BO. This puts him right up there with Frank Sinatra. Who never ran for President of the United States, but it does make one ponder the possibilities.

President Frankie. Ol' Red White and Blue Eyes. Chairman- in -Chief- of- the- Board. "My Way," now how could you top that as a campaign song? Osama, you wanna play rough? I got some friends back in Jersey. They'll show you rough.' Remember Frank's concert in China? He wowed the Reds that time, huh? They were totally enthralled. Just the way we like 'em.

I gotta say, I would have voted for Frank in a heartbeat. He had all the requirements. The Abe Lincoln-esque rise from his boyhood in Hoboken. The Clinton-esque string of affairs. The modestly gifted yet filthy rich offspring of the Kennedys. The Hollywood connections. Dino for VP. No, wait- make that Sammy Davis Jr. for Veep. How do you like them apples, Barack? Dino could still be Secretary of State. Heck, give Peter Lawford a job, make him Ambassador to the Court of St. James. He could go back where he came from. And stay there.

Frank might have started out a JFK supporter. But remember that he, like Sammy and Dino, died a Republican. And a pro-life one at that, if the fundraisers are to be believed. Frank came through in the end.

I can see it now. Osama bin Laden brought to justice at last. WIth the President of the United States belting out "New York, New York" on live TV. Yeah. I could go for that.

Might even faint.


  1. Anonymous3:41 AM

    This is the song that Obama reminds me of.

    Barack Obama, Superstar!

    Who are you, what kind of change are you are talking about?

    Barack Obama, Superstar,

    Who are you, what kind of change are you are talking about?

    Barack Obama, Superstar

    Who are you, what kind of change are you talking about?

    Adoph Hitler could really rally those masses, and Olde Joe Stalin could make them walk barefoot through broken glasses, And Ho Chin Minn, he could bring the crowd in, and that Po Pot he know how his words could make them hot...

    Now do you believe?

    Now Marshall Applewhite made them think that they were going to go to Heaven on a comet, and David Koresh he sent his faithful on a path to Armageddon. And of course we all know about olde Jim Jones. His people did what he told em and that Kool-aid got overflowin...

    Now do you believe? (the mesmerized crowd shouts back Yes we Believe) Now do you believe?(louder) Yes, we believe! Hallelujah now get that sister some water (the front row of women then faints).

    Barack Obama, Superstar,

    Who are you, what kind of change are you are talking about?

    Barack Obama, Superstar

    Who are you, what kind of change are you talking about?

    Now do you see yourself as as Che's Second comin... Or maybe you set yourself up on a path even higher. Perhaps you do see yourself as the new Messiah, start a new religion with you as its idol.

    Do you believe?

    Cults of personalities well they very rarely end well and with yours it could set the earth a trembling... For when you come unglued as all cult leaders in the end do, you could push that nuclear button and set the earth afire..

    Barack Obama, Superstar,

    Who are you, what kind of change are you are talking about?

    Barack Obama, Superstar!

    Who are you, what kind of change are you talking about?

    Barack Obama, Superstar!

    Turing America into one big Manson Family

    Barack Obama, Superstar!

    Turning America into one big Manson Family

  2. Dino was always a Republican, incidentally.


  3. P.S. A better song is Living Colour's Cult of Personality.

  4. So why'd he campaign for JKF?


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