The Price of Fame!

Well this is exciting.

Yesterday DIH emailed her incredibly chic and slender NYC buddy Lisa and, not to put too fine a point on it, whined that Lisa never seems to read her blog. Lisa, being charitable as well as chic, copied this address and tried to find this site.

Well, not exactly.

There was one little problem: DIH had madea teeny, tiny typo in the address. I instructed Lisa to go to something called

See the mistake? "Blogpsot", not "blogspot."

Anyway Lisa went to that address. And guess what she found?

Go on, guess.

Nope. Not porn this time.


A "Bible College" site.

If you make that same typo you too will be directed to something called "Bible College Online." It bills itself as "a mega-site of Bible, Christian and religious information and studies."

Who runs this site, I wondered? It turned out that none of them would give their names. The only "author" information given is "A team of many people have combined their knowledge and efforts to make this site possible. Among these are several missionaries.. and an author of one of the most extensive Bible Prophecy books ever published."(They actually give that guy's name later, but you can't contact him- he's dead.)
They give a mission statement, too: "This web site is dedicated TO SEEK AND TO SAVE THAT WHICH WAS LOST-Lk 19:10." Also to get people to donate to the website- there's an address for your checks. It's a post office box in Florida. Again, no names.

Ok, OK, call me suspicious. But does anyone else smell a rat here?

I mean, come on. This blog is blatantly if ineptly Catholic, right? And anything that calls itself a "Bible College" is, well, not.

I turned to the site's "Catholic Information" page. What a read! Man, if half the stuff they say here is true I am living one wild life!
Quoting Revelations : 17: "AND I SAW A WOMAN SIT UPON A SCARLET COLOURED BEAST. The woman is pictured as a city in Rev 17:18...17:4-AND THE WOMAN WAS ARRAYED IN PURPLE AND SCARLET COLOUR, AND DECKED WITH GOLD AND PRECIOUS STONES AND PEARLS. The city is portrayed in these colors and glittering. Do these previous words also fit the church at Rome? What colors have the pope and his cardinals worn in the past?"


" 17:9-AND HERE IS THE MIND WHICH HATH WISDOM. THE SEVEN HEADS ARE SEVEN MOUNTAINS, ON WHICH THE WOMAN SITTETH. The city is shown to be sitting on seven mountains or hills. There is a city, that is a trade capital, that does sit on seven mountains, having a worldwide religion that is part of the city itself. That city is Rome. The religion is the Roman Catholic Church."


There are so many gems on this stie it's hard to choose. "All outstanding festivals of the Roman Catholic Church are of Babylonian origin. " "Nuns are nothing more than an imitation of the "Vestal Virgins" of pagan Rome." "607 Boniface III made first Pope."

Well, all I can say is I'm proud to do my part to keep this here worldwide conspiracy going. Oh gosh, look at the time- must run, have to pick up my pearls.


  1. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Well this Bible Babe has two points: 1.) I am so dissappointed that I am not the "chic and slender" friend named Lisa! 2.) Well, now I know what should be studied for our next Bible Babe Session...sounds a whole lot more provocitive and entertaining than Jeff! (sorry Jeff)

  2. I am continually typing "blogpost" instead of "blogspot," so I feel for you there. I finally just made a signature in Outlook that has my blog addresses on it. :)

    Interesting that someone took a bastardized version of your URL for an anti-Catholic site. I mean, I can't imagine that it's completely coincidence, can you? be famous enough to have immitators doing that to me!

    (And at least it was p*rnogr*phy this time!)

  3. Whoa! I'm telling you these radical Christians are almost as scary as the radical Islamist's.

  4. When my loyal readers mistype my blog address they arrive at the same "Mega site of Bible studies and information." A few, or so they claim, have become bible-based Christians.

  5. Perhaps I shouldn't tell them I've ben educated by (non-deranged, bears noting these days) Jesuits.



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