Black Sheep

Monday January 16: "Gay shepherd movie" wins top Golden Globes.
Friday January 20: Dow tumbles to a three-year-low.
DIH thinks not....


  1. Ah, but how did sheep futures do in commodities trading?


  2. You're ba-a-a-a-a-ad.


  3. I would have expected a crack about pork bellies.

  4. The publicity about this movie is as bad as Halle Berry demanding and lobbying furiously in the media that she receive an Oscar for a second rate performance. If she did not get it, Hollywood is racist.

    Since no one wants to be labelled a racist, especially an industry, they gave her one just to shut her up.

    Now we have Broke Back Mountain. Since Hollywood cannot be deemed homophobic, well....

    Me thinks it is nothing more than shoving alternative lifestyles down our collective gullets so that we can empathize and accept homosexuality as main stream instead of alternate. It is called propaganda.


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