Good King Wenceslaus Looked Out...

... and saw we got a white Christmas after all.  What an invigorating way to start the day, shoveling one's driveway, brushing off the car, envying the neighbors with their snowplows.  Ah, the joys of the season!

Other traditions were observed yesterday, on Christmas Day itself.  The traditional last-minute panic at the loss of the  most important gift!  (Where did I hide that box?  Think, dammit, think!)
 The traditional viewing of "Die Hard."  (It just isn't Christmas until Hans Gruber takes that plunge off the Nakitori Plaza building, am I right?) 
And of course, the traditional I-know-I-swore-off-carbs-but-after-all-it is -Christmas indulgence. Okay, indulgences.

And one of my favorites:  the traditional ignoring of the news media for the day.  Go ahead, take your polls, see if I care.

Happy Feast of St Stephen, everyone.  We have another ten days to go, I think.  Party on.


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