Advent 1

Ok, I'll admit it:  Advent took me completely by surprise this year.  There was barely time to breathe a "thank God Thanksgiving is over with" before the calendar hit us up with today, the first Sunday of Advent.

There are other reasons I'm disoriented of course.  I mean, come on, my December issue of "Magnificat" has been sitting untouched (and for once, unlost) on my nightstand for weeks now.  Now here it's the first Sunday of Advent AND IT ISN'T EVEN DECEMBER YET!  What am I supposed to do now, twiddle my thumbs until Tuesday?

Needless to say, the moment I realized Advent had started-- that was at the vigil mass yesterday afternoon when I noticed the priest was wearing purple- I got right on the annual search for the Advent wreath.  Amazingly I found it in the basement last night.  It's a fake wreath with fake candles- battery-powered beauties I can keep lit 24/7 without fear of the house burning down.  So, Advent wreath, check.

I have also managed to get rid of all the Thanksgiving decorations. There may still be leftover turkey in the refrigerator, but those orange candles and ears of Indian corn (can we still call it that?) are history.

So I have to say, under the circs, so far I'm doing pretty well on the Advent season front.  I suppose I'd better go out and buy a tree today, since they're predicting 10 inches of snow for us tomorrow. This house is seeing the fastest Thanksgiving-to-Advent transformation in history.

And we can thank the mistress's disorganization and the bad weather for it.


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