Jeremy Lin Should Watch His Step

The hateful hate of Jeremy Lin haters is hateful. I hate it. How dare a sports network use a phrase like "Chink in the armor" when Mr Lin is even in shouting distance? Disgraceful. Hate that.

Thank God the Asian American Journalists Association has issued some guidelines for anyone writing about Mr Lin. The guidelines include such helpful suggestions as "avoid nicknames like 'Grasshopper' " and "no cracks about Asians and driving." Journalists will still be permitted to use basketball terms like "full court press," but not if they're going to stoop to jokes about Chinese laundries and starch in the collars.

I for one feel better just knowing these guidelines are out there.

But I'm sure we'd all breathe a little easier if Mr Lin would observe a few guidelines himself. You know, just to save us from ourselves.

For example, should he decide to grow a mustache, Mr Lin should stick to the horseshoe, the handlebar or the pencil. A Fu Manchu is out of the question. It would just make trouble.

Mr. Lin should also avoid demonstrating any musical talents that involve "Piano for Beginners." A performance of "Chopsticks" would be, shall we say, awkward.

Also would he please avoid references to Pepsodent toothpaste. And don't tell me you don't know why.

Finally, if he is a fan of classic tv, would he please keep it out of his conversation. You never know when this will come up:


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