Haiti's Pact With The Devil. And Mine.

December 2009. DIH commando raid on Costco.
"Oh no. Oh no, no, no, it can't be. Where are they? They can't all be gone! They can't be! WHERE ARE THE FREAKIN' BELGIAN CHOCOLATES?!
"What, Mr. Front End Manager? You say they're all gone? Sold out? But it can't be too late! It can't be!
"What am I going to do? What am I going to do?
"Dear God, forgive me, but we both know who is the Lord of Belgian Chocolates at Costco Prices. The Prince of Dark Chocolates, and Also Milk.
"Forgive me, Lord. But I am desperate....."

And ever since then DIH has been carrying a good five more pounds on her erstwhile svelte figure. I made the deal and I'm paying the price. Take warning, good reader, and stay away from the Dark Side, even if it means no chocolate, and/or continued presence of the French.


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