"One, Two, Three...

...four,five.... twenty five. One. two , three...."

Across Minnesota hundreds of volunteers are chanting the mantra. "Piles of twenty-five. Piles of twenty-five." Then they add up the piles and do it all over again.

The Senate Race recount is by all reports going smoothly. It went fine where yours truly was posted yesterday. One challenge from the other side. But otherwise everything added up.

According to the morning paper the Republican incumbent's lead is now something like 136, with 46% of the precints recounted. They figure they'll have it all ironed out by December 1.

There is something weird about a race this close. Every so often one does get the awesome feeling that every vote counts, even yours, and you personally are a defender of democracy every time you step into a voting booth.
But then you get the feeling that there are way too many coin-flippers out there.


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