DIH Has Crossed The Rubicon.

Daughter: Mom, what's a slingshot?
DIH: It's kind of like a catapult.
Daughter: I thought it was more like a bow and arrow.
DIH: Well, yeah.
[thoughtful silence]
Daughter: Mom, can I have a slingshot?
DIH: NO! They're dangerous.
Daughter: Why?

[Don't say it, Desperate. Be strong...}

DIH: Because-- because you could hurt somebody.
Daughter: Not if you aim it right. And I'm very careful.
DIH: You may not have a slingshot.
Daughter: But why not? I'll be careful!

[No, Desperate! Don't! Don't do it! Save yourself while you still can!]

DIH: No slingshots. Ever.
Daughter; But why not?
DIH: Because- because--

[I'm begging you!.]

DIH: Because you'll shoot your eye out!



  1. But you forgot "Because I SAID SO!!"

  2. Welcome to the other side.

  3. My answer to my lads was "Because you'll shoot MY eye out."


  4. Joke, you always have the answer.

  5. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Jesuit education, ma'am, Jesuit education...



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