The New York Giants defeated the Green Bay Packers last night for the NFC Championship in "sudden death" overtime.

Let me first note that we have some divided loyatlies in our household. To wit:

Vince coached the Packers. BUT
Vince also coached St. Francis Prep. (Coached? Or just played there? DIH not sure.)
And let's not forget Fordham! Seven Blocks of Granite, baby!!

Add to that: DIH is a Long Islander. And as a former frequent commuter between NYC and DC she has enjoyed many a relaxing moment at the Vince Lombardi Rest Stop on the Jersey Turnpike.

So with apologies to all you Cheeseheads out there, GO GIANTS!! GO JINTS! ON TO THE SUPER BOWL!!


  1. Anonymous3:33 PM

    No chance against the PATS!!

  2. May I be forgiven, but WOW do I dislike the Patriots.



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