For That Special Felon On Your List

The perfect gift!

"Artist Lynn Fellman has a different sort of self-portrait on her wall. It features a curiously repetitive sequence of the letters A, T, C and G, a map of several continents and the stylized visage of an African woman. The woman whom she calls Eve is at the root of Fellman's DNA code."

Ms. Fellman, a commercial artist, will paint a picture of your DNA code for $765 ( $650 for the portrait plus $115 for the saliva analysis. Unless you got yours courtesy of the state, I would imagine). "For clients who want their actual likeness included, the cost is $1,800.'

Today's Star Tribune features several of Ms. Fellmans' works, DNA-inspired portraits of a person's "deep ancestry" journey. I'm no art critic, but for some reason they all seem to look like something out of "Lilo and Stich." Seriously.

But I have to say the colors are pretty, and if you want a conversation starter, well. A whole new kind of megalomania awaits you. Ms.Fellmans' studio can be found online at

In addition to her paintings she also features a line of DNA-inspired scarves and neckties.

In other news the New York Times reports that the Kyrgyz prime minister has resigned, after parliament refused to meet his demand for more vowels.


  1. Do you have ANY idea how difficult it is to not make a single Bill & Monica wisecrack?

    Mortifyin' the flesh,



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