The Secret Revealed!

"Warming causing gray whales to lose weight, say scientists"

Jul 12 03:22 AM US/Eastern {h/t Breitbart,.com]

"Scientists on the US Pacific coast are increasingly observing emaciated gray whales in what they fear is a sign that global warming is wreaking havoc in the whales' Bering Sea summer feeding grounds.

""Instead of looking plump coming off the summer months, they have noticeable depressions behind the head, with scapulas visible through the skin, and concave sections above the tail," [the scienteist] added. "This is enough to cause alarm."

"'This is wonderul!'" - Rosie, a 35-year-old grey whale

"I've tried everything. SlimFast, Weight Watchers...finally, with 'Climate Change', I have the body I've always dreamed of!"- Jennifer, 42.

"I can't tell you how I despaired! Eating nothing but krill- krill!-- and still packing on the pounds. Now, thanks to 'CC,' I can eat whatever I like and still be one hot whale. Thank you, Climate Change!" - Jared, 28

"Hoodia, schmoodia. CC rules!" -- Oprah, 51.


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