The Beginning of the End?

Today's LA Times reports that the City of Santa Monica has made plans to inject the local squirrel population with a contraceptive.

"It's a cutting-edge approach," said Joe McGrath, the city's parks chief. "Pest control in general isn't usually very exciting or even controversial. That hasn't been the case with the squirrels."

Oh, Chief McGrath. You are so right. The thought of eliminating squirrels makes DIH's heart go pitter pat. Like the rotten little rodents' loathesome little feet on her roof.

"Breeding season runs from February to April," the Times continues, "but the inoculations will take place this summer when the squirrels are most active outdoors and easier to trap."

Can I come? Can I?


  1. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Another person who thinks of squirrels as her mortal enemy. You go, Sister!

  2. Anonymous2:26 PM

    You do realize that your late father-in-law had contemplated doing this years ago...

  3. Pikers.

    They should hand out teeny-tiny condoms along with acorns.

    Decorum prohibits me from issuing any of the slogans which suggested themselves for this campaign.


  4. P.S. The correct name for squirrels is: "Fluffy-tailed tree rats."

  5. Anonymous- yes. He also built them a gas chamber, as I recall.

  6. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Why don't they just kill the squirrels? I mean, they have their hands on them. They have the syringe. Depro-provera? Or cyanide? This is not a difficult question.

    Nasty little tomato, fig-stealing b-----ds.


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