
It all started when I bought a bushel of eggplant at the Farmer's Market. Five bucks for the whole basket. I couldn't resist.

Well, actually I could have resisted. Almost did. But then I started thinking, hm. Haven't made ratatouille in a while... I could make some eggplant parm, too... I could give a few away,if I have any left over...

So I bought a bushel of egglpant. For those of you not familiar with such measurements, that's a lot of eggplant.

I started at around 9 am. Of course I had to use Julia Child's recipes. otherwise what't the point, right? I mean, why just chop it up and throw it all into a pot when you can torture yourself slicing, salting, leeching and pre-baking your eggplant on a hundred cookie sheets instead? That's too much fun to miss.

Anyway I did the eggplant parm first and the ratatouille second. It was around 8pm when my project finally wrapped. By then just the thought of eating anything involving eggplant made me feel sick, so I had a Boca burger.

I think somewhere in my pre-history there must be some deep memory of famine. "We're all going to starve if I don't get the crops in! Quick! Make ten gallons of pesto!" I have enough homemade applesauce in my house to choke a pig, or give one a good scare, anyway. And it's not like we're a big family.

My refrigerator is now teeming with Servin'Savers. So now I'm thinking the same thought I think every fall and never act on: I think I need a freezer.


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I am laughing! My aunt has two freezers out in her garage, not including the freezer attached to her refridgerator in her kitchen, and all of them are filled with just about anything one might imagine. I often tease her about a possible repressed memory of starvation. All good and serious cooks do this, I think. It is in our nature.

  2. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I would love a big freezer but more so, I wish I had the follow through to do something like what you did. I love the idea of a freezer full of food I made for my family. You could always donate a meal to a family who needs it - a death, new baby, illness.

  3. Desperate: If I did as much food storage marathoning as you seem to do on a regular basis, I'd have to be drinking liberally from the cooking sherry bottle to get through it.

    Warning: once you buy the big stand-alone freezer you are doomed to want to fill it all the time to justify its existence! Trust me.


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