Sad Story

I wish there was something funny to say about Mel. But the whole thing is just too sad.

I guess I could lament Minnesota's one chance to have a celebrity of that magnitude in residence for, say, 90 days. (Does anyone know where Mel went for rehab?)

I could point out that for a 50 year old guy drunk off his a-- at 3 in the morning, he takes a pretty good mug shot. I never look that good, even cold sober after a great night's sleep. Sigh. It just isn't fair...

But I can't say anything like that. Because it's just too sad.

I just pray he recovers and cleans up his act. Which, incidentally, is what I pray for for most people.


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    OK DIH, here goes. I don't think its sad. Don't think of Mel as a role model or a leader for any right thinking movement. His acting or choice of movie roles never inspired me. Just thought he was some sort of over the top actor with blue eyes that was prettier than most. He really seemed in touch with his crazy side didn't he? Notice how bleary his eyes look in some of his movies? The man has some demons. That seems to be worshiped in Hollywood doesn't it? An actor in touch with his crazy side gets special treatment with the "anti" worshippers in our entertainment industry. Take a beautiful actor, present him as a normal person or role model, and then show their dark side as if everyone in life has to face those demons in themselves.
    So the issue is that another actor presented as a role model for the masses is uncovered as a lunatic. Big surprise. Actors are encouraged to act out their demons and the entertainment industry spends their efforts keeping their degenerate culture veiled to keep us believing that these people are normal only wildly successful. I don't usually fall into the trap of viewing actors as real people and could care less about what happened to Mel. The only dramatic interest in the story for me is if he still has a career and what he will have to do to keep it going.
    Thanks for the chance to rant. Never been a fan of Hollywood or its movies. Just saw Hidalgo on DVD and cried twice even though it was a bit cliche. That's what you get when you're an old fart, almost everything seems recycled and cliche.
    Enjoy your posts.

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

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  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I forgot one last thing (just as I did yesterday). What happened is not sad. It is disgusting. Sad never even comes to mind.
    From (possibly liberal) coward

  4. I agree with DIH, it is sad and a disappointmnet.

  5. What is Jimmy Carter's excuse?

  6. That Mel's got himself some demons (maybe literally, maybe just figuratively) there's no doubt. I pray he recovers fully.


  7. Anonymous9:15 PM

    To the last poster, Mel did say things against jews, such as
    "The jews are responsible for all the wars in the world" Something that can not be taken out of context. F'in jews also came into play, so this was a case of antisemitism. No question

  8. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Do we absolutley know the true story yet? Are we depending on the media?


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